Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 1, 2017

Study of folklore

E. N. Kuz’mina
The main scientific principles of publication of folk texts (based on the series «Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and Far East»)
In detail

S. A. Myasnikova
«The valicenti trailed…» – volochine songs of the Omsk Irtysh region Belarusians
In detail

Study of literature

K. V. Anisimov

In detail

A. E. Kozlov
«The Double» of Dostoevsky and «The Double» of Akhsharumov: to the problem of stylistic organization of a secondary text
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E. N. Proskurina
«Literaturnaya Sibir» (1933–1934): to the issue of forming the socialist realist canon
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E. Yu. Kulikova
Poetic collection «The sun of heart» by Vivian Itin
In detail

O. A. Neklyudova
Cinematographic technique in V. Kaverin’s works of the 1920s
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A. N. Gubaydullina
«Books are written with ink, aren’t they?» (Interpreting a story for children by Daniil Harms)
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D. V. Shepetovsky, M. A. Khatyamova
Genre traits of feuilleton and character sketch in Nina Berberova’s «The Billancourt Tales» short stories
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I. N. Korzhova
The war and the home in the K. Simonov’s poetry of the 1941–1945 years: opposition and intersection
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A. S. Veretnov
Interpretation of a play of A. P. Chekhov «The Cherry Orchard» in the novel of A. Gelasimov «The Year of Deception»
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S. V. Burmistrova
Manor chronotop in children’s literature of XX – beginning of XXI century
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A. L. Solomonovskaya
RAZUM as a Designation of Several Fragments of a Semantic Field «Intellectual Activity» in Corpus Areopagiticum Slavicum
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E. P. Bondareva, G. V. Chistyakova
Tactical and strategic analysis of virtual self-presentations
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N. S. Bolotnova
Reflection of media communicative universals in media texts of different genres
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J. V. Balakina, A. V. Sosnin
Intersemioticity and Multimedia – from Traditional to Electronic Texts
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Yu. S. Pauli, E. S. Korotkina
Discourse strategies of building a corporate narrative
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V. N. Karpukhina
Key axiological linguistic macrostrategies of the Boris Akunin’s «Azazel» translation into English
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L. V. Ozolinya
The Russian structural and semantic equivalents of the Orok simple sentence
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L. I. Gorbunova
Once more on linguistic categorization of water objekts
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F. N. D’jachkovskij
Word-formation of Sakha Folk Terminology (by Example of Names of Residential and Utility Structures)
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R. A. Kaftanov
Specific nature of verbal associations produced by military servicemen as illustrated with associative field «enemy»
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N. N. Fedina
On Imperative in Chalkan Language
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E. V. Ustyantseva
The Russian phraseological units with the word «bread» in cultural-linguistic aspect
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P. S. Shakhov
Mordovian calendar-ritual folklore-ethnographic complex of Siberian existence (spring-summer period)
In detail

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