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Name: «The Double» of Dostoevsky and «The Double» of Akhsharumov: to the problem of stylistic organization of a secondary text

Authors: A. E. Kozlov

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2017Pages 36-45
UDK: 821.161.1+821.0+81’4DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/4

Abstract: The paper compares the stylistic organization of Dostoevsky’s poem «The Double» (1846) and Akhsharumov’s eponymous tale «The Double» (1850) which were published in the «Native Notes» (Otechestvennye Zapiski). The investigation of the style of these texts shows some changes in classic literature canon influenced by the Pushkin style. It is studied in the context of literature evolution (Tyn’yanov, Vinogradov). «The Double» of Akhsharumov is a secondary text, but his stylistic organization has a character of compensation. We can call it a «return», a «recognition » of Pushkin’s canon through Gogol and Dostoevsky style being canceled. The Plot of «The Double» of Akhsharumov presents Dostoevsky story in the stylistic form of Pushkin «The Belkin Tales» and his other prose texts (notably «The Queen of Spades»). This observation suggests that the secondary text resulting from the aesthetic response to the original work often has a paradoxical extensive character of style in his nature, which allows maintaining the balance between archaists and innovators in the history of Russian culture.

Keywords: russian literature of xix century, dostoevsky, akhsharumov, stylistic organization, secondary text, secondary and alternative


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