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Name: RAZUM as a Designation of Several Fragments of a Semantic Field «Intellectual Activity» in Corpus Areopagiticum Slavicum

Authors: A. L. Solomonovskaya

Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2017Pages 127-136
UDK: 811.163.1, 81’255.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/13

Abstract: The paper deals with the lexical-semantic variants of the lexeme «razum» in Slavic translation in Corpus Areopagiticum Slavicum performed in the second half of the XIV century by a bilingual Serbian monk. The material under investigation is collected both from the translation itself and from an original text produced by Monk Isaiah. The lexem «razum» verbalizes the central elements of the semantic field of «intellectual activity», namely «knowledge», «cognition», «consciousness, mind» (in descending order). The criteria for separating the lexical-semantic variants of the lexeme concerned were the Greek equivalent, the evidence of micro and macro context, and in some cases – a modern translation of the passage from the Greek language.

Keywords: semantic field, lexical-semantic variant, razum, idiolect, corpus areopagiticum slavicum


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Solomonovskaya A. L. NOĒTOS, NOEROS i LOGIKOS v Corpus Areopagiticum i ego tserkovnoslavyanskom perevode [Noētos, noeros and logikos in Corpus Areopagiticum and its Church-Slavonic translation]. Vestnik NSU. Series: Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication. 2016, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 52–62.

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