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Name: Reflection of media communicative universals in media texts of different genres

Authors: N. S. Bolotnova

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2017Pages 149-160
UDK: 81.38/42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/15

Abstract: The paper deals with means of representation in media texts of two media communicative universals: pragmatically conditioned semantic redundancy on the level of multiply reflected informational cause in textual activity and communicatively conditioned economy in media interpretation of informational cause. Media communicative universals defined as laws and its realizing principles of textual organization, which reflect informational cause as an element of media communication and fit with criterions of frequency and repetition. The research is done on the basis of analytical newspaper articles, blogs, and interviews of 2016. The author reveals the representative specificity of media communicative universals conditioned by genre and stylistic peculiarities of media texts as well as authors intention and their idiostyle peculiarities. The findings are of interest for media linguistics and communicative stylistics of text.

Keywords: media communicative universal, media text, informational cause, analytical article, blog, interview


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Bolotnova N. S. Kommunikativnaya stilistika teksta: mediynye kommunikativnye universalii [Communicative stylistics of text: media communicative universals]. Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2015, no. 9(162), pp. 19–27.

Mel’nikov G. P. Yazyk kak sistema i yazykovye universalii [Language as a system and language universals]. In: Yazykovye universalii i lingvisticheskaya tipologiya [Language universals and language typology]. Moscow, 1969, pp. 34–45.

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