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Authors: K. V. Anisimov

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2017Pages 23-35
UDK: 82.09DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/3

Abstract: The paper reviews the two recently issued publications of a remarkable collection of poems, the most of them being written by both – little-known professional poets and dilettantes. The collection undoubtedly refers to a «mass» literature and includes a broad range of almost unknown names. The «Collected poems relating to the unforgettable 1812» were compiled by N. M. Kugushev in 1814, commented and studied by the two groups of scholars independently (in 2012 ed. by M. V. Stroganov and in 2015 ed. by I. A. Ayzikova). The paper discusses some problems of attribution, identifies the first publications, studies the methods of textual and editorial preparation, and gives some comments on the poems. The author compares the approaches of the two academic groups to the above mentioned primary source, quality of scientific preparation of publications and draws attention to some errors of the publishers.

Keywords: russian literature, the patriotic war of 1812, poetry, «the collected poems relating to the unforgettable 1812», n. m. kugushev, scientific publication, attribution, bibliography, textology, editorial preparation, scientific commentary


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