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Name: Once more on linguistic categorization of water objekts

Authors: L. I. Gorbunova

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2017Pages 208-220
UDK: 801.311.55(282.256.3DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/20

Abstract: The paper studies the principles of a language categorization of objects of a material world, with «lake» or «reservoir» taken as the example and included in the class of seas. It is shown that the formation of hybrid subclasses of the same category is possible. The paper reveals the reasons for this phenomenon. The language categorization is proved to be based on sensual experience. Classification can be based on irrelevant features of the objects if the native speaker considers them important and perceives them by sense organs. The value of such a feature can be relative and identified through comparison with similar characteristics of other objects. Relevant classification features can be ignored if they are not perceived by the senses. It is shown that the place of «lake» or «reservoir» in the life of a linguistic community, as well as the method of human interaction with the object, are important. Recognizing the significance of water object for life in the region concerned increases its classification level and results in this object being included in a class of the seas which is the axiologeme in the Russian language consciousness.

Keywords: linguistic categorization, the multiplicity and hybridity of categorization, sea, lake, reservoir, classification feature, axiology, russian language


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