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Name: The Russian phraseological units with the word «bread» in cultural-linguistic aspect

Authors: E. V. Ustyantseva

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2017Pages 253-260
UDK: 81’367DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/24

Abstract: The paper deals with phraseological units with the word bread in cultural-linguistic aspect. The meanings of the word bread to a greater or less extent motivate the meanings of these phraseological units. The largest is the group of idioms in which prototypical combinations the word bread has its general meaning ‘food’, indicating the importance of the concept of «bread – food» in popular culture. The word bread has a special symbolic meaning in Russian culture and as part of idioms concerned is the embodiment of hospitality, generosity, and strong friendship. The dialectical phraseological units with the word bread reflect all the stages of the agricultural cycle related to the life of a farmer. The phraseological units studied in this work are a valuable source of culture and mentality of the nation. They include customs, traditions, and morals – everything that helps to form the cultural codes and to define the mentality of a Russian person.

Keywords: phraseological units, the token «bread», idioms, phrasal combinations, cultural code, the inner form of russian culture


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