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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: O. A. Neklyudova LRC Publishing House, Moscow, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper considers V. Kaverin’s works of the 1920s that were heavily influenced by contemporary cinema. It is shown that cinematographic techniques (e.g. composition resembling film editing, intertitles, absence of psychological insight, limited colour palette etc) are mastered in his early short stories and are widely used in later works – «Konets khazy» («End of the Gang») and «Skandalist, ili Vechera na Vasil’evskom ostrove» («The Troublemaker»). Also, reminiscences of silent films (especially of German expressionist films) are revealed and analyzed. A conclusion is made that Kaverin tried to introduce elements of an adventure novel and to find his way in literature; he possibly associated such techniques with a dreadful and terrifying atmosphere of the new era that began after the revolution. Keywords: v. kaverin, cinematographic technique in literature, synthesis of the arts, german expressionism Bibliography: A. G. 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