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Name: Interpretation of a play of A. P. Chekhov «The Cherry Orchard» in the novel of A. Gelasimov «The Year of Deception»

Authors: A. S. Veretnov

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2017Pages 112-118
UDK: 82:09DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/11

Abstract: The paper deals with the interpretation of a play of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov «The Cherry Orchard» in the postmodern novel of Andrew Gelasimov «Year of Deception». The inclusion of the dramatic text in the epic text as well as the main challenges of the play perception by unprepared viewer are considered. In this regard, the history of interpretation of the play «the Cherry orchard» by contemporaries of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and the differences of opinion of the author and the directors of the first production (K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko) are shown. The main views of literature on structural elements of such plays as «genre» and «conflict » are given. The images of secondary characters (Petya Trofimov and Charlotte) are considered. It is proved that the role of Charlotta Ivanovna is important for the «correct» interpretation of the play.

Keywords: a. p. chekhov, a. gelasimov, interpretation, intertext, citation, genre, conflict, theatrical performance


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