Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Discourse strategies of building a corporate narrative Authors: Yu. S. Pauli, E. S. Korotkina Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation; National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: Corporate culture is a condition of corporate discourse formation. One of the corporate value translators is a development history of a company. Unequivocal strategic view of a development history allows us to consider it as a corporate narrative. The corporate narrative is based on the general ideas about the activities of organizations and national-cultural features. The paper deals with the discursive strategies of the corporate narrative of Russian and Chinese companies. The various presentation strategies of the company history, common for the companies of particular national culture, are defined. It allows exploring the corporate narrative of Rosneft. The narrative study has 2 levels: deep and surface. The deep level of the narrative is its semantic organization. It is a relation of prevailing and special narrative components in a development history of a company. The surface level is expressed in the text of the history. Keywords: corporate culture, corporate narrative, discursive strategy Bibliography: Artemova T. V. Narrativ kak komponent ritoricheskoy strategii obvinitel’nykh rechey A. F. Koni [Narrative as a component of the rhetorical strategies of accusatory speeches of A. F. Kony]. Philol. Cand. Diss. Kemerovo, 2008, 126 p. Kim S. Cameron, Robert E. Quinn. Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture. Reading, MA, Addison Wesley, 1999, 259 p. (Russ. ed.: Сameron K., Quinn R. Diagnostika i izmenenie organizatsionnoy kul’tury. St. Petersburg, 2001, 320 p.). Kostyushkina G. M., Alifanova O. G. Organizatsiya narrativnoy logiki: kognitivno-diskursivnyy aspekt [Organization of narrative logic: cognitive-discursive aspect]. Problemy kontseptual’noy sistematiki yazyka, rechi i rechevoy deyatel’nosti: Materialy V Vseros. nauch. konf. [Problems of conceptual taxonomy language, speech and speech activity. Materials of V Rus. sci. conf.]. Irkutsk, 2011, pp. 207–217. Ladygin O. O. Korporativnaya kul’tura organizatsiy v sisteme tsennostey sovremennoy Rossii [Corporate culture of the organization in the value system of modern Russia]. Philol. Cand. Diss. Moscow, 2014, 202 p. Likhachev D. S. Velikoe nasledie: Klassicheskie proizvedeniya literatury Drevney Rusi [Great Heritage: Classic Works of Old Russian Literature]. St. Petersburg, 2014, 540 p. Myasoedov S. P. Rossiyskaya delovaya kul’tura: Vozdeystvie na model’ upravleniya [Russian business culture: The impact on the control model]. Moscow, 2013, 92 p. Pivovarov S. E., Maksimtsev I. A. Sravnitel’nyy menedzhment [Comparative management]. St. Petersburg, 2008, 480 p. Spivak V. A. Korporativnaya kul’tura: Teoriya i praktika [Corporate Culture: Theory and Practice]. Moscow, Piter, 2001, 352 p. Trotsuk I. V. Narrativ kak mezhdistsiplinarnyy metodologicheskiy konstrukt v sovremennykh sotsiologicheskikh naukakh [Narrative as an interdisciplinary methodological construct of contemporary social science]. RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2004, no. 6–7, pp. 56–74. Yankov I. V. Narrativ v istoricheskom osvoenii deystvitel’nosti: Fenomen obnovleniya i sotsiokul’turnyy smysl [The narrative in the historical development of reality: Update phenomenon and a socio-cultural sense]. Abstract of Philol. Cand. Diss. Ekaterinburg, 1997, 15 p. |
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