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Name: Key axiological linguistic macrostrategies of the Boris Akunin’s «Azazel» translation into English

Authors: V. N. Karpukhina

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2017Pages 184-192
UDK: 81’25DOI: 10.17223/18137083/58/18

Abstract: The article considers axiological linguistic macrostrategies in the translation of the Russian postmodernist fiction text into English. The text under consideration is the novel Azazel by Boris Akunin and its translation into English The Winter Queen by A. Bromfield. The article aims at revealing the key and background macrostrategies of translation investigated in the axiological linguistic aspect. The most effective macrostrategy in Russian fiction text translation into English is adaptation. The bipolarity of this macrostrategy (adaptation/foreigning) is caused either by the source text acculturation into the target language culture or, vice versa, targeting at the «otherness » effect of the source text. Translating Azazel by Boris Akunin into English, A. Bromfield mostly uses the axiological linguistic macrostrategy of adaptation (he adapts proper names and cultural realities of the Boris Akunin’s text). The background adaptation strategy used in the translation of Azazel is modernization. In the situations of factual mistakes made by the author A. Bromfield uses the elimination of a text fragment, giving the reader a possibility to get the correct information in cultural and historic realities of the late 19th – early 20th centuries.

Keywords: axiological linguistic macrostrategies, adaptation, modernization, text, translation


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