Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 4, 2017

Study of folklore

T. V. Dayneko, N. V. Leonova
The calendar cycle in the Byelorussian traditions of Siberian existence: the sources for the study, the ritual complexes
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K. A. Sagalaev
An integrated approach to the publication of folklore: the experience of publishing the volumes of «Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East»
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Artistic closeness of Shor heroic epic and shaman texts
Artistic closeness of Shor heroic epic and shaman texts
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N. R. Oynotkinova
Eschatological poetry of Altai: the main themes and motifs
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E. L. Tiron
Historical memory of the uprising «Aldan Maadyr» in the Tuvan folk song
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E. B. Besolova
Birth-through-death myth in Narts’ sagas
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Study of literature

O. V. Sokolova, V. V. Feshchenko
«The revolution of language» by Eugene Jolas: from «Vertical» Poetry to «Vertigral» Communication
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M. A. Khatyamova
In-character narration as a method for game-like expression of authorial position in Russian metropolitan and émigré prose of 1920s
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V. E. Golovchiner
«Farewell in June» by Alexander Vampilov as an epic nonclassical drama
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N. V. Kovtun
Master – Prophet – Wisdom in the Story by A. Bitov «Man in the Landscape»
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I. V. Silantev
The principle of incompleteness in the works by Dmitry Gorchev
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D. V. Maryin
The genre elements of western in «Altai» short stories by M. I. Veller
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R. M. Khaninova
Anaphora in the early lyrics of Mikhail Khoninov of 1936
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V. I. Karasik
The subject matter motif «Immortality»: a narrative dimension of the concept
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I. E. Kim, I. V. Silantev
Sphere of communication and discourse: terminological redundancy or the essential difference?
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L. B. Kryukova, A. V. Khiznichenko, X. Wang
Subject of sensory perception in semantic space of stories by A. P. Chekhov
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A. Yu. Kolesnikova
Functioning of perceptive modus in the process of linguistic modeling of irreality in art fiction
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I. V. Saveleva
Internet comment potential in linguistic personology aspect
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L. P. Dronova, Yanchun Liu
Motivational and genetic characteristics of the lexical-semantic field «Harm» in the Russian literary language
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E. V. Tyuntesheva
Lexical-semantic equivalents of Altai labor verbs in Turkic languages of Southern Siberia and Kipchak languages
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B. Ch. Oorzhak
The particular combination of tense forms with temporal concretization in the Tuvan language
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A. A. Ozonova
System of Altai adverbial participles
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A. R. Tazranova
Case system in the Altai language (on material of three scientific grammars of the Altai language)
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S. I. Sharina
The participle in Nizhnekolymskiy dialect of Even language
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I. M. Chebochakova
Somatisms as the basis for word formation in the Khakass language
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I. I. Plekhanova
A guide to the artistic reality Russkaya literatura XX veka: ucheb. posobie: V 2 ch. 2nd ed., corr. and comp. / Ed. by T. A. Nikonova. Voronezh: Izd-vo VGU, 2016. Ch. 1: Chelovek i khudozhestvennaya real’nost’ v literature 1890–1940-kh godov. 484 p. (
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Scientific life

L. А. Araeva, G. E. Kreydlin, A. V. Proskurina
Teleut (the description of the language of small indigenous people of Russia)
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