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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: V. E. Golovchiner Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The analysis of the first underestimated play of Alexander Vampilov «Farewell in June» (1964) reveals various transformations of motives of temptation, test, a contract of a person with the devil, and other complexes of motives. The path of the researcher’s understanding of the contemporary characters is defined by the known models of behaviour. A variety of degrees and forms of such models allows one to think about some relative independence of different plotlines and polyphonic non-linear structure of a dramatic action. In such organisation of an action, one can see the increasing importance of semantic correlation in perceiving consciousness at metalevel of separate components, situations, vital behaviour along with relationships of cause and effect (among the family, professional ones). An emotional perception with a catharsis at the end of a classical drama succumbs in the case of «Farewell in June» to the comprehension of a sufficiently complex system of action, the search for variants of interpretation of each character separately and of the play as a whole. The found strategies of the organisation of action allowed us to draw a conclusion that the first play of Vampilov as an author’s model of drama was an example of the nonclassical art paradigm. In the literary practice, such paradigm was expressed through an epic drama long before it was comprehended. Keywords: alexander vampilov, play «farewell in june», polyphonic structure of action, motive complex of temptation, test, contract of a man with a devil, metasigns, metastructures, author's model, epic drama, nonclassical art paradigm Bibliography: Freydenberg O. M. Mif i teatr [Myth and theater]. Moscow, GITIS, 1988, 132 p. Golovchiner V. E., Rusanova O. N. Avtorskaya model’ khudozhestvennogo teksta kak sintez vyrazitel’nykh vozmozhnostey roda literatury [Author’s model of the art text as synthesis of expressive opportunities of literature]. Tomsk State Pedagogical Univ. Bulletin. 2014, no. 7(148), pp. 178–185. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskaya drama v russkoy literature XX veka. Izd 2-e, dop. i ispr. [Epic drama in the Russian literature of the 20th century, 2nd edition]. Tomsk, TGPU, 2007. Imikhelova S. S., Yurchenko O. O. Khudozhestvennyy mir Aleksandra Vampilova [Alexander Vampilov’s world of art]. Ulan-Ude, Izd. Buryat. univ., 2001, 101 p. Orlov M. A. Istoriya otnosheniy cheloveka s d’yavolom [Story of the relations of a person with the devil]. Moscow, Respublika, 1992, 344 p. Rusanova O. N. Motivnyy kompleks kak sposob modelirovaniya avtorskoy kartiny mira (na primere dramaturgii E. Shvartsa) [Motive complex as a way of modeling of an author’s picture of the world (on the example of E. Schwartz’s dramatic art)]. Tomsk State Univ. Journal. 2006, no. 80, pp. 93–98. Rusanova O. N. Motivnyy kompleks kak sposob organizatsii epicheskoy dramy (na materiale p’es E. Shvartsa “Ten’” i “Drakon”) [Motive complex as a way of the organization of an epic drama (on the material of plays of E. Schwartz “Shadow” and “Dragon”)]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Tomsk, 2006. Slovar’-ukazatel’ syuzhetov i motivov russkoy literatury: Eksperimental’noe izdanie. [Dictionary-index of plots and motives of the Russian literature]. Novosibirsk, SO RAN, 2003, iss. 1, 243 p. Strel’tsova E. I. Plen utinoy okhoty [Captivity of duck hunting]. Irkutsk, Irkut. obl. tip. № 1, 1998, 376 p. Tenditnik E. Aleksandr Vampilov [Aleksandr Vampilov]. Novosibirsk, Zap.-Sib. kn. izd., 1979, 71 p. Trofimova I. V. (Comp.). Sibirskiy talant: k 75-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Aleksandra Vampilova: beseda o tvorchestve [Siberian talent: to the 75 anniversary since the birth of Alexander Vampilov: a conversation about art]. Amur. obl. nauch. bibl. im. N. N. Murav’eva-Amurskogo. Blagoveshchensk, 2012, 18 p. Vampilov A. Dramaturgicheskoe nasledie [Dramatic art heritage]. Irkutsk, Irkut. obl. tip. № 1, 2002, 844 p. Zhuravel’ O. D. Syuzhet o dogovore cheloveka s d’yavolom v drevnerusskoy literature [A plot about the contract of a person with the devil in Old Russian literature]. Novosibirsk, Sibirskiy khronograf, 1996, 234 p. |
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Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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