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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: A. A. Ozonova Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper analyses the grammatical and semantic traits of Altai adverbial participles (AP). In the Altai language, adverbial participles function as verb forms expressing specific types of relationships between adverbial participial actions and main actions, serving as dependent predicates. The function of the infinite predicate is primary, uniting all adverbial participles and adverbial participial forms. Most Altai AP have parallels in Siberian languages and other Turkic languages. All-Turkic participial forms with =(V)p and =y/а are found in nearly all ancient and modern Turkic languages. The form with =(V)p is the most frequent AP in Turkic languages; only Chuvash and Yakut lack this form. In many modern Turkic languages, the narrowing of functions of the form with =а may be observed, and its use becomes limited. AP with =ganča and =galï are actively used in Kipchak languages. Among Siberian Turkic languages, the first form is widely used (apart from Altai) in Khakas, Shor, and Siberian Tartar dialects; the second form is found in Khakas and Tuvan. AP with = y/ala is only found in Siberian Turkic languages, namely Altai, Khakas, Shor, and Tuvan. AP with =gažïn is only observed in Altai. Historically, many of these are former case forms of participles. The core of Altai adverbial participles is represented by the adverbial participles with =(V)p, which is the most frequent, polysemantic, and polyfunctional type. We distinguish monosubjective (=y/ala, =bay, =y/а, =ganča 1, =ganča 3) and variative-subjective (=(V)p, =ganča 2, =galï, =gažïn, =sа) adverbial participles according to their subjective valency. According to their ability to receive personal markers, adverbial participles are divided into those that receive personal markers (=sа, =gažïn, =ganča 2) and those that do not (=(V)p, =y/ala, =bay, =y/а, =galï,=ganča 1, =ganča 3). Monosubjective adverbial participles do not receive personal markers; the variative-subjective ones either have them or do not. Most adverbial participles express the taxis meanings of simultaneity and precedence. The basic taxis meaning of adverbial participles may be further complicated by various circumstantial meanings: causative, conditional, concessive, telic, comparative, etc. Keywords: altai language, adverbial participle, verbal form, function of the infinitive predicate Bibliography: Cheremisina M. I. Deeprichastie kak zavisimyy predikat monosub”ektnoy polipredikativnoy konstruktsii (na materiale altayskogo yazyka) [The adverbial participle as a dependent predicate of a mono-subjective polypropatic construct (on the material of the Altai language)]. Humanitarian sciences in Siberia. 1999, no. 4, pp. 82–88. Cheremisina M. I. Raznosub”ektnye konstruktsii s deeprichastiyami na =p [Various object constructions with adverbial participles on =p]. Vestnik KHSU im N. F. Katanova. 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