Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Internet comment potential in linguistic personology aspect Authors: I. V. Saveleva Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: From the perspective of a newly developed lingvopersonological approach, a text is a product of cognitive and speech activity of a linguistic personality. Thus, according to N. Golev, N. Melnyk, N. Lebedeva, L. Kim, we can consider it as a personotext. This research aims to study online comments to political Internet discourse. These texts are predominantly created by ordinary people, who, due to factors such as anonymity and spontaneity, openly demonstrate not only their social and political views, talk on different topics, interpret current events but also reveal their identity. The result of reasoning takes the form of the text, allowing a researcher to view the Internet comments as metatexts. Actualizing the axiological component of ordinary metatextual consciousness in online comments reveals simple opposition: "good" vs "bad" (black vs white) as well as more complex feelings: delight, regret, frustration. Internet comments belong to the category of secondary texts, fully demonstrating the diversity of message decoding forms as stated in the works by N. Melnyk. The generic conditions for their production are maximum identical because they interpret one and the same primary text. However, the reactions of the readers vary remarkably. Generally, the relationship between primary and secondary texts can be traced to the level of repetition of keywords, syntactical structures of the headline and quoting the phrases from the primary article. Another important factor is the variability of these personotexts due to considerable effect of different discourse strategies. Comment is the product of text reception and text production strategies. In this regard, the holistic and serialistic strategies within a single text prove to have both symmetric and asymmetric character. Asymmetry of strategies at different stages of creating an online comment (the stage of text reception and the stage of text production) is more typically observed in Russian texts. Described characteristics of Internet comment as a product of linguistic personality activity demonstrate significant potential of its functioning. Keywords: linguistic personology, personotext, internet comment, secondary text, primary text, metatext, perception and generation strategies Bibliography: Bashkova I. V. Tvorcheskaya yazykovaya lichnost’ i variativnost’ russkoy yazykovoy kartiny mira [Creative language personality and variability of Russian language world picture]. Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2015, iss. 4(157), pp. 112–116. Bets M. V. Tipologiya virtual’noy yazykovoy lichnosti [Typology of virtual language personality]. In: N. D. Goleva, N. V. Mel’nik, S. V. Oleneva (Eds). Yazykovaya lichnost’: modelirovanie, tipologiya, portretirovanie. Sibirskaya lingvopersonologiya. Vyp. 2 [Language personality: modelling, typology, portraying. Siberian linguistic personology: Iss. 2]. Moscow, Lenand, 2016, pp. 181–189. Bolotnova N. S. O lingvopersonologii khudozhestvennogo teksta [Linguistic personology approach to fiction]. In: N. D. Goleva, N. V. Mel’nik, S. V. Oleneva (Eds). Yazykovaya lichnost’: modelirovanie, tipologiya, portretirovanie. Sibirskaya lingvopersonologiya. Vyp. 2 [Language personality: modelling, typology, portraying. Siberian linguistic personology: Iss. 2]. Moscow, Lenand, 2016, pp. 204–213. Golev N. D. Lingvopersonologicheskaya gipoteza yazykovoy sistemnosti [Linguopersonological hypothesis of language systemacy]. In: U. M. Trofimova (Ed.). Obshcheteoreticheskie i tipologicheskie problemy yazykoznaniya: Sb. nauch. st. [Theoretical and taxonomy issues of linguistics: Coll. of sci. art.]. Alt. gos. akad. obrazovaniya im. V. M. Shukshina. Biysk, 2014, pp. 6–12. Golev N. D., Kim L. G. Obydennye politicheskie internet-kommentarii kak proyavlenie variativnosti interpretatsii (oppozitsii “eksplitsitnoe – implitsitnoe”, “proyavlennoe – ozhidaemoe”) [Ordinary Political Internet Comments as Manifestation of Interpretation Variability (oppositions “explicit – implicit”, “manifested – expected”)]. In: Implitsitnye i eksplitsitnye strategii v vostochnoevropeyskom politicheskom diskurse: Materialy rossiyskoy sektsii mezhdunar. konf. “Ain’t misbehavin’? Implisit and explicit strategiesin Eastern European political discourse” [Implicit and explicit strategies in Eastern European political discourse: materials of Russian section in inter. Conf. “Ain’t misbehavin’? Implicit and explicit strategies in Eastern European political discourse”]. Ekaterinburg, Zurich, 2014, pp. 47–70. Ivantsova E. V. Variativnost’ teksta kak proyavlenie rechevoy kul’tury dialektnoy yazykovoy lichnosti [Text variability as manifestation of speaking culture of dialect language personality]. Tomsk State Univ. Bulletin. 2013, no. 376, pp. 14–19. |
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