Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Subject of sensory perception in semantic space of stories by A. P. Chekhov Authors: L. B. Kryukova, A. V. Khiznichenko, X. Wang Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation; Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang, China In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper considers the particularities of linguistic representation of perception process in late stories by A. P. Chekhov. The research is based on basic statements of a sensory linguistics, semantic syntax and functional stylistics of the text. A variety of ways of representation of sense impressions displays the features of author's worldview. In 67 works, more than 4 000 utterances with perceptual semantics are revealed. The main purpose is the analysis of linguistic means of expression of the subject of perception and its role in text production. The challenge of the subject designation comes from the fact that there are various semantic positions in the literary text such as author, narrator and character. The analysis and interpretation of special aspects of the subject worldview allow getting into the deep meaning of the text and marking out some particularities of the individual style of the narration. The paper suggests the possible options of classification of subjects of perceptual activity. Two fairly arbitrary oppositions are considered: adults and children; people and animals. It is argued that depending on the subject of perception, the prevalence of some perception type is observed in the text: visual, audio, tactile, olfactory or flavouring Visual and audio perception are the main ways of space orientation for people and their interaction. The utterances in which the attention is focused on the loss of the ability to see and hear metaphorically transfer the idea that the inner spiritual life of the hero ceases. Children perceive the world in all completeness of its colour manifestations: bright light and various vibrant colours draw their attention, darkness and sad tones frighten them. For perception of adults, the social status and official capacity are important. The behavioural reaction of characters and their emotional state are represented. In utterances with animals as subjects of perception, the situation of smell and taste perception is regularly implemented. Perceptual linguistic means with metaphorical meanings serve for assimilation of children to adults and animals to people; participate in describing of surroundings, in which characters live. Various sensual characteristics describe the appearance and behaviour of all characters. Utterances with perceptual semantics in the literary text allow representing a situation «realistically», showing not only the general picture but also drawing attention to separate aspects of the events and facts described. Keywords: perceptual semantics, subject of perception, utterance, pro-position, imagery, literary text, sight, hearing, smell Bibliography: Avdevnina O. Y. Pertseptivnaya semantika: zakonomernosti formirovaniya i potentsial khudozhestvennoy realizatsii [Perceptual semantics: regularities of formation and potential of artistic realization]. 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