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Name: The particular combination of tense forms with temporal concretization in the Tuvan language

Authors: B. Ch. Oorzhak

Tuvan State University Kyzyl, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2017Pages 226-237
UDK: 494.3DOI: 10.17223/18137083/61/21

Abstract: The paper develops the idea of the semantic compatibility of linguistic units as the realization of their internal linguistic valencies for the transmission of the general grammatical meaning of time-temporal forms, adverbs of time, acting as temporal concretizers, and verbal foundations belonging to certain lexical-semantic groups. Semantic models of a combination of temporal forms and adverbs of time, specifying the time of the performance of an action, indicated by a grammatical temporal form, are defined. Combined with the temporal forms of the transfer of the time of the action, expressed by the verbal basis, the temporal concretizers represent the temporal attribution of the action: a) relative to the moment of speech; b) relative to today; c) irrespective of any point of time, indicating a certain time of committing an action within a day or seasons in a year. This paper presents the result of analyzing the combinations of temporal forms of the verb of the Tuvan language with temporal concretizers, indicating specific time intervals for performing the action in relation to the present day when the present day serves as a temporary reference point. It is established that the forms of time that convey a more generalized temporal attribution to the past (forms on =dï, =gan and=čïq), the future (the form on =аr) and the present (Тv=p V(tur=, olur=, čor=, =čïdïr)=Ø, Тv=p V(tur=, olur=, čor=, =čïdïr)=ar), can refine their meaning within their temporal planes and find semantic compatibility with temporal concretizers, allow their values to be specified within their time limits planes and reveal a semantic compatibility with temporal concretizers. Also, they are more freely combined with different lexical-semantic groups of verbs in comparison with temporal forms that have more specialized time designations and include additional meanings in their semantic structure – the aspectual shades of the values of the incompleteness of the action (forms on =bïšaan, =galaq), as well as contact with the moment of speech (the form on =p-tïr) and coinciding with it (the form on а-dïr), having a limited circle of combination with the verb stem. The last four forms, as a rule, do not combine with the considered adverbs of time.

Keywords: tuvan language, tenses of verb, adverbs of time, temporal concretization, time reference, semantic model


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