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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: A. Yu. Kolesnikova National Research Tomsk State University Tomsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper reveals the principles of language modelling of perception within the framework of an altered state of consciousness leading to a perceptual sphere transformation of art fiction subject. In the unreal situation, the object of perception activity is consciousness, and the results are mental constructs that allow one to understand ontological questions and to open the knowledge beyond one's comprehension in the normal consciousness state. The linguistic means of actualizing the perceptual modes and their functioning in the process of linguistic modelling of unreality are in the centre of this research. The perceptual modes are of special interest in view of their way of representation of unreality and its perception as they have a key meaning for both the semantic and structural aspects of art fiction content. Perceptual modes function to organise the main components of subject consciousness. The different means of expression of perceptive semantics: lexical, grammatical, syntactical-formal ones are analysed in the novel «Generation «P» by V. Pelevin. Particular attention is paid to the verbal predicates, which, creating a semantic field of the observability, gain a role of perceptive situation markers, signalling about an extent of subject expression, presence and character of the object perceived. Thus, a purpose of the research is to find the linguistic representation of perceptual modes and its functioning in the linguistic modelling process of unreal situation and objects, suggesting a study of the art fiction elements in the aspect of perceptual semantics. Keywords: perceptional semantics, linguistic modeling, perceptional modus, unreality Bibliography: Avdevnina O. Yu. Kategoriya vospriyatiya i sredstva ee vyrazheniya v sovremennom russkom yazyke [Perception category and means of its expression in the modern Russian language]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Moscow, 2014. Gordeeva O. V. Mekhanizmy perekhoda ot obychnogo k izmenennomu sostoyaniyu soznaniya v svete predstavleniy A. N. Leont’eva o strukture soznaniya [Mechanisms of transition from usually state to modified consciousness state]. Moscow, 2015, no. 1, pp. 4–19. Karychankova S., Kryukova L. B., Khiznechenko A. V. Poeticheskaya kartina mira skvoz’ prizmu kategorii pertseptivnosti [Poetic worldview through the prism of the category of perception]. Brno, 2016. Meshcheryakova O. A. Semantika pertseptsii v aspekte khudozhestvennoy kognitsii I. A. Bunina [Perception semantics in the aspect of art cognition of I. A. Bunina]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Elets, 2011. Murav’eva N. Yu. Kategoriya pertseptivnosti v semantike glagola i v tekste [Perception category in the verb semantics and text]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Moscow, 2008. Okoneshnikova I. G. Rol’ modusov pertseptsii v organizatsii smyslovogo i kommunikativnogo prostranstva khudozhestvennogo prozaicheskogo teksta (na materia-le romanov R. Kinga) [Role of perceptive modus in the organization of meaningful and communicative space of art prosaic text]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Omsk, 2009. Pelevin V. Generation “P”. Moscow, 2001. Rudnev V. P. Slovar’ kul’tury XX veka [Dictionary of the culture of 20th century]. Moscow, 1997. Tusichishnyy A. P., Khalikova N. V. Obraznost’ russkoy klassicheskoy prozy [Imagery of Russian classic prose]. Moscow, 2013. |
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Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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