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Name: Lexical-semantic equivalents of Altai labor verbs in Turkic languages of Southern Siberia and Kipchak languages

Authors: E. V. Tyuntesheva

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2017Pages 214-225
UDK: 811.512.151’367.625DOI: 10.17223/18137083/61/20

Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of lexical-semantic correlations of Altai verbs denoting labour in Kipchak languages of various groups, as well as Southern Siberian Turkic languages (Khakas, Tuvan). The author attempts to determine the specifics of lexical-semantic correlations in these languages. It was established that this group consists mostly of Common Turkic verbs. Many of these verbs are also found in Mongolic languages. Verbs denoting labour are likely to belong to the most ancient Common Turkic or Turkic-Mongolic lexis that was formed as a result of Turkic- Mongolic interaction in distant past. Among the verbs that are not Common Turkic, the majority are lexemes uniting all three Siberian languages analysed in our work. Most are recent, derivative forms with new meanings. The lexical-semantic unity of Southern Siberian languages is emphasized by lexemes derived from Common-Turkic roots combined with affixes differing from other Turkic languages, as well as meanings derived or preserved in these Siberian languages. Some correlations are explained by Mongolic influences. A large number of Southern- Siberian-Kyrgyz correlations have been revealed. Here, derivative forms are less frequent. Apparently, regional influence proves to be stronger in this case. Some correlations connect the Siberian languages to Kazakh and Bashkir. Karachay-Balkar correlations have not been found. Perhaps some Kipchak languages did influence the lexis of Sayan-Altai Turkic languages. There is only one correlation uniting the Altai language with all the Kipchak languages considered; such correlations are not found in other languages. Hence, a conclusion can be made that the classification of the Altai language as a Kipchak language requires further confirmation on the basis of lexical material.

Keywords: altai language, southern siberian turkic languages, kipchak languages, verbs, lexical-semantic equivalents


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