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Name: Anaphora in the early lyrics of Mikhail Khoninov of 1936

Authors: R. M. Khaninova

Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Elista, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 4, 2017Pages 142-148
UDK: 82.09:801.6(470.47)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/61/13

Abstract: The paper considers anaphora in the early lyrics by Mikhail Khoninov as a rhetorical figure of Kalmyk versification. The folklore influenced the process of versification in Kalmyk poetry. The folklore tradition in the poems of the 1936 «Kichik Bovgadaev», «Komsomol», «Оur Victory», «Young Actors», «We, the Young Actors we are…» reveals the process how young poet was mastering two kinds of artistic method: the double rhyme and the cross rhyme. In Mongolian prosody, alliteration means the beginning of the first lines with vowel and consonant sounds. Alliteration contributes to the rhythmic organisation of the literary text. Until recently, great attention has not been paid to the problem of national versification in Kalmyk literature. Some poets, namely Aksen Suseev and Timofei Bembeev, pointed out that anaphora is one of the main stylistic device, peculiar for Kalmyk versification. It is characterised by the repetition of some words or similar syntactic structures at the beginning of the lines or verses. Structurally they distinguished different kinds of anaphora and alliteration in the organization of verses or lines: full rhyme, double rhyme, cross rhyme, circle rhyme, with the last one being the most uncommon type of anaphora for Kalmyk language. In the early lyrics of Mikhail Khoninov, anaphora is a national feature. The main ways of using anaphora in his early works of 1936 are: alliteration, phonetic anaphora, lexical anaphora with repetition of words, syntactic anaphora, syntactic parallelism, combination of rhyming and unrhymed words, double rhyme and cross rhyme. Оn the one hand, the lyrics of the young poet confirms his devotion to the national tradition (anaphora and alliteration), on the other hand, shows the influence of Russian versification (rhyme and rhyming). The use of alliteration contributes to the rhythm of the poem as well as the cross rhyme and rhyming. Mikhail Khoninov was not successful in all his early works, but he tried to combine form and structure of the text, using national approach.

Keywords: anaphora, alliteration, rhyme, lyrics, folklore tradition, kalmyk versification, the 1930s


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