Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2016

Study of folklore

Zh. M. Yusha
The Tuvinians of China and Mongolia: current state of the folklore tradition
In detail

Study of literature

Yu. V. Shatin
Nekhludov’s journey to Siberia: the problem of initiation
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A. V. Khrabrova
«Suddenly – is a discovery»: the category of accident in the creative system of late Lermontov and early Dostoevsky
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V. V. Maroshi
«Bilious men» and diatribe: the genealogy of the character and genre in Russian Literature
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S. V. Sviridov
Satirical verses as a literary genre
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L. N. Sinyakova
Plot architectonics in A. P. Chekhov’s short story «Po delam sluzhby»
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G. S. Zueva, G. E. Gorlanov
The mirror two-faced image of the protagonist of the novel by D. S. Merezhkovsky «Resurrected Gods. Leonardo da Vinci»
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O. A. Mamontova
The metaplot of resettlement to Siberia in N. D. Teleshov’s works
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E. N. Proskurina
Artistic philosophy of death in short stories by G. Gazdanov
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D. V. Maryin
Problems of textuality of nonfiction works by V. M. Shukshin
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K. V. Izmestyeva
Transformation of the plot of Cinderella in the play by Leonid Filatov «Cinderella: before and after»
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I. V. Asheulova
The plot of «The second coming of Christ» in the novels of V. Sharov
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N. E. Nikonova, Yu. S. Seryagina
Th. Herzl and M. Nordau in Siberian periodicals at the turn of XIX–XX centuries: criticism, translations and theater reviews
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N. D. Golev, N. B. Lebedeva
The modern online dictionary of dialect vocabulary
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E. V. Solomina
On stylistic differentiation of the urban vernacular speech
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S. V. Grichin
The category of definiteness/indefiniteness in authorization aspect
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S. V. Kogut
Discourse markers in written scientific discourse
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A. A. Racheva
The use of the markers vot and von as a discursive choice of the speaker
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Z. V. Chernykh
Compositional elements of conflict episodes in student communication
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E. A. Kolodinа, I. V. Pashkova
The specificity of the image-sense in translating film titles (based on the English and Korean languages)
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I. Ya. Selyutina
The features of the Consonant systems of South Siberian Turkic languages on the parameters of the objective complexity
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L. V. Ozolinya
Comparability of verb forms in the Russian and Orok languages (the participle, the adverbial participle, the specific verb forms)
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N. N. Fedina
The changes in the sub-system of the present time forms in the Chalkan language from the middle of the XX century to the present
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L. A. Shamina
Morphosyntactic characteristics of modus-dictum bipredicative constructions of Tuvan (on the example of folklore and modern texts)
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T. B. Tagarova
On the study of the phraseological units of the Buryat language as elements of lingvoсulture
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S. R. Smirnov
Following Valentin Rasputin. Valentin Rasputin’s Work: Answers and Questions: Monogr. / T. E. Avtukhovich et al.; Ed. by I. I. Plekhanova. Irkutsk: Irkutsk Univ. Press, 2014. 395 p. The Creative Personality of Valentin Rasputin: Painting – Feeling –
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Scientific life

L. A. Khodanen
The Lermontov readings – 2014 in Saint Petersburg. «Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in the cultural context of two centuries» (S.-Petersburg: Liki Rossii, 2015. 360 p., col. ill.)
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I. A. Poplavskaya, Y. I. Rodchenko, N. A. Rudikova
International scientific seminar «Russian-Siberian Francophonie» (Tomsk, 11–15 June, 2015)
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