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Name: The metaplot of resettlement to Siberia in N. D. Teleshov’s works

Authors: O. A. Mamontova

In the section Study of literature

Issue 2, 2016Pages 63-71
UDK: 82:32DOI: 10.17223/18137083/55/8

Abstract: At the end of the XIX century in the Russian literature there appears a new view on the migration of peasants to Siberia connected with works by N. D. Teleshov, I. A. Bunin, M. Gorky and S. I. Gusev-Orenburgsky, etc. which makes it possible to raise the question of a resettlement metaplot in the Russian literature. The present paper describes the genesis, the contents and system communications of the plot of resettlement to Siberia in N. D. Teleshov’s works, particularly in the cycle of stories «Immigrants». In the writer’s creative consciousness the resettlement to Siberia was associated with the Babylon resettlement of the selected people, on the one hand, and the resettlement of the righteous persons to the Kingdom of Heaven, on the other. The grounds for these comparisons are the texts by the writer (the story «Between the Two Banks», a sketch to the legend «Prophet», the story «Bread-salt») and the archetypic motives realized in them («life and death», «loss and finding of the house», «violation and restoration of a shrine»). The research of the plot of resettlement makes it possible to see to see an integral period in Teleshov’s works of the 1890s-1900s.

Keywords: the metaplot of a resettlement to siberia, the motive analysis, the realism of the turn of the xix–xx centuries, n. d. teleshov’s works


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