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Name: International scientific seminar «Russian-Siberian Francophonie» (Tomsk, 11–15 June, 2015)

Authors: I. A. Poplavskaya, Y. I. Rodchenko, N. A. Rudikova

In the section Scientific life

Issue 2, 2016Pages 266-273
UDK: 82:811.133.1:811.161DOI: 10.17223/18137083/55/28

Abstract: The International Scientific Seminar «Russian-Siberian Francophonie», organized in the framework of the international project «The French and the French-language manuscripts in Russia (18th – early 19th centuries)» at National Research Tomsk State University is devoted to the study of the Russian-French relations of the 18th–20th centuries in terms of the Siberian subject matter. Its participants made reports concerning the study of interactions of Russian and French cultures in the diachronic aspect (the French text in the Siberian newspapers, the French reception of Siberia, Russian writers’ cycle of reading, epistolary intercourse with Francophones, the image of France in the works by Russian authors, interpretation of the French literature in Russia), French rhetoric, literary research of Siberia and the Siberian regional studies. Participating in the Seminar were philologists and culture specialists from Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk) and France (Paris, Toulouse).

Keywords: francophonie, siberia, russian and french literature and culture, french-language text


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