Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: The specificity of the image-sense in translating film titles (based on the English and Korean languages) Authors: E. A. Kolodinа, I. V. Pashkova In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper analyzes the specificity of the image-sense as the key phenomenon in forming a sense in the framework of the cinema text. The image-sense is considered within the synergetic approach to the research into linguistic systems, where the image-sense appears as the semiotic process, the unity of the individual and the general, which creates an original authentic representation in the recipient’s/viewer’s mind. Also the film's title is analyzed in association with the title of the text and characteristics of its translation are identified in view of the image-sense’s role. The dominant position of the image-sense, which influences the choice of the translation solution capable of correlating with each system of senses separately and with their synergy, is explained. Reliance on the image-sense, as an integral structure, functioning in the translation space in the unity of its components, makes it possible to reveal optimal translation solutions, focused on the cognitive and linguo-cultural specificity of the original. Keywords: film translation, cinotext, image-sense, film title, synergetics Bibliography: |
Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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