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Name: Problems of textuality of nonfiction works by V. M. Shukshin

Authors: D. V. Maryin

In the section Study of literature

Issue 2, 2016Pages 82-92
UDK: 82.92DOI: 10.17223/18137083/55/10

Abstract: The article presents the textual aspects of the study of nonfiction literary works by famous Russian writer Vasilii Shukshin. Amount of articles, interviews, conversations in the literary heritage of the famous Russian writer is quite large. This fact allows us to consider them to be the most important part of Shukshin’s journalism. Meanwhile, the sufficient study of textual analysis of the writer’s nonfiction is virtually nonexistent. The author of this article examines in detail the history of publishing and studying, the resources, and the issues related to attribution, integrity and text dating of Shukshin’s nonfiction works. So, the author demonstrates the methods of solving textual problems in preparing Shukshin’s works for publication and shows the importance of textual aspects for their interpretation.

Keywords: russian literature of the xxth century, journalism, creative works of v. m. shukshin, literary criticism, dubia, dating


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