Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: The use of the markers vot and von as a discursive choice of the speaker

Authors: A. A. Racheva

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2016Pages 164-176
UDK: 81.42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/55/18

Abstract: The paper describes the problem of the functioning of the discursive markers vot and von in the texts of remote interviews. The analyzed units are considered in terms of their role in the discourse organization, which presupposes the connection between the peculiarities of using the discursive markers and the cognitive mechanisms of spontaneous speech production. Marked out in the framework of the paper are the types of applications common for vot and von and defined are the causes of choosing one or the other marker by the speaker. The analysis of the examples revealed that in this case the elimination of an object from the personal sphere of a speaker is crucial. The paper describes not only the functions common for vot and von, but also the specific functions of each marker. Moreover, the paper identifies several types of using, which help the speaker to organize and control the narration and achieve estrangement of some fragment of discourse.

Keywords: discourse, discursive markers, discursive words, oral speech


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