Table of Content of Issue 2, 2014
Study of folklore Ozolinya Larisa Victorovna
On the genre structure of Orok (Ool’ta) folklore
In detail Kuznetsova Vera Stanislavovna
On the plots and motives of the Slave Folk Bible in the in the hand-written books
In detail Study of literature Shunkov Aleksander Viktorovich
«The Legend of the Virgin’s Assumption» as the literary monument of the transition period
In detail Tretyakov Evgeniy Olegovich
Philosophy and Poetics of the four elements in the story «Carriage» by Nikolai Gogol: absence and its sense
In detail Konstantinova Natalya Vladimirovna
On the parody background of F.M. Dostoyevsky’s story «The village Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants»
In detail Sopova Svetlana Petrovna
Motive components of the concept boredom in the narrative «A Boring Story» by A. P. Chekhov
In detail Efremova Olesya Alexandrovna
«Capitals vs. Provinces» as the realization of the opposition «The Own vs. the Alien» in the works of the 1900s–1910s by A. M. Remizov
In detail Dvinyatina Tatyana Mikhailovna
«Autumnal poem» «Leaf Fall» and aesthetics of I. A. Bunin in 1900–1920
In detail Boeva Galina Nikolaevna
Sologub and Andreev as Reformers of the Theater: Aesthetic and Receptive Aspects
In detail Bichevin Anatoly Gennadievich
Dynamics of the subject-and-object relations in the collection «To the Blue Star» by N. S. Gumilev
In detail Plekhanova Irina Innokentievna
Vladimir Mayakovskiy as a socialist primitivist
In detail Kvashin Anatoliy Vladimirovich
A spell-poem as a type of a ‘word machine’ in the early works by Daniil Kharms (based on his poem ‘Govor’ (‘Patois’))
In detail Ogudov Sergey Aleksandrovich
The principles of N. V. Gogol’s grotesque composition in Y.N. Tynyanov’s script and film «The Overcoat»
In detail Kornienko Svetlana Yurievna
The Metapoetic Potential of Bettina von Arnim’s Image in Marina Tsvetayeva’s «A Living Word About a Living Man»
In detail Yakimova Lyudmila Pavlovna
«The returned novels» by Vsevolod Ivanov «The Kremlin» and «U» as a genre ambilogy
In detail Golovchiner Valentina Egorovna
Sergey Tretyakov – Bertolt Brecht’s teacher
In detail Nikolaenko Olga Nikolaevna
Eskhatological motives of the St. Petersburg and Venetian text. Correlation of St. Petersburg and Venice in the consciousness of Russian recipients
In detail Kamratova Marina Aleksandrovna
Totalitarian systems of the past and present: intertextual analysis of the story Al-Efesbi’s Zenithal Codes by V. Pelevin
In detail Linguistics Novitskaya Irina Vladimirovna
The Word-formation Category of Abstract Nouns in the Old Germanic Languages
In detail Dambuev Igor Aleksandrovich
Some aspects of Mongolian place-names romanization
In detail Baradieva Svetlana Sukhe-Batorovna
Hydrographic terms with the meaning ‘spring’ in Mongolian languages
In detail Shagdurova Olga Yuryevna, Ozonova Ayyana Alekseevna
Verbs of speech activity in the Turkic languages and dialects of the North Sayano-Altai
In detail Pchelintseva Elena Eduardovna
The grammatical status of the Polish verbal noun of action and the semantics of delimitativity
In detail Boldyrev Boris Vasilievich
On the syntactic structure of the Tungusic languages
In detail Fedina Natalia Nikitovna
On the nominal predicates in the Chalkan language
In detail Shamina Ludmila Alekseevna
Modus-dictum Comparative Bipredicative Constructions in the Tuvin Language
In detail Ilyina Ludmila Alekseevna
The Phenomenon of Grammatical Marking of Non-observable Speaker’s Speech in North Asian Languages
In detail Darzhaeva Nadezhda Bairovna
Means of expressing mirativity in the Buryat complex sentence
In detail Viktorova Elena Yurievna
The role of oral and written forms of speech in the usage of subsidiary communicative units (based on Russian and English academic discourses)
In detail Voinalovich Elena Vladimirovna
Colloquial speech in the novel «The Nurse from Moscow» by I. S. Shmelev: stylometrical analysis of corpus data
In detail Tagarova Tatiana Boroevna
The ascending amplification in the literary style of the Buryat language (based on the phraseological units)
In detail Bashkatova Yulia Alekseevna
Symbolic features of somatic concepts
In detail Sokolova Olga Viktorovna
«Avant-garde PR-discourse»: strategy of disphemisation in the agitation / propaganda texts of the 1920s
In detail Review Nalegach Natalia Valerievna, Khodanen Lyudmila Alekseevna
New paradigms of literary investigations. Review: S. V. Rudakova. Basic image-bearing semantic categories of E. A. Borstynsky’s poetic world: monograph. Magnitogorsk, 2013. 164 p.
In detail Scientific life Chuvakin Alexey Andreevich
«Philology and communication sciences in the world of culture, science and education: 21st century»: International Seminar (Barnaul, April 8, 2014)
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