Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Symbolic features of somatic concepts

Authors: Bashkatova Yulia Alekseevna

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2014Pages 239-246

Abstract: The paper deals with the symbolic features in the structure of somatic concepts as units of somatic codes of Russian and English linguocultures. Along with the language semantics, somatisms are characterized by additional cultural semantics – a definite symbolic meaning established in the world culture and reflected in the views of the national-cultural community. Regularly replacing the cultural symbols in the discourse and being representatives of the symbolic meanings, somatisms become symbols themselves. A symbol is the product of the human mind. From ancient times man resorted to symbolizing outward things. Thus, the symbol manifests itself as a specific element of coding the cultural space. Used as data for the research were structures with lexemes, denoting different somatic objects, taken from authoritative English and Russian dictionaries as well as from national corpora.

Keywords: somatic code of culture, somatisms, linguoculture, cultural meaning, concept, ethnocultural peculiarity, body metaphor, conceptual features


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