Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Means of expressing mirativity in the Buryat complex sentence

Authors: Darzhaeva Nadezhda Bairovna

The Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2014Pages 210-217
UDK: 81,37=512.31DOI:

Abstract: The paper considers the polypredicative constructions of the modern Buryat language by which the speaker expresses mirativity (the suddenness of the information that he communicates to the speaker), either additionally to temporal relations (in an unspecialized way), or separately, as their primary meaning (in a specialized way). As a result of a structural and semantic analysis of temporal constructions the author of the paper arrives at a conclusion that the meaning of mirativity not only penetrates the entire temporal system but it also has special means of formal expression. In unspecialized constructions the meaning of mirativity complicates the basic temporal semantics and it is maintained by markers of intensity and instantaneousness. Specialized constructions of mirativity in the Buryat language are based on analytic forms of the auxiliary verb of speaking and on the past participle with obligatory possessive affixes.

Keywords: categories of mirativity and evidentiality, participial and converbial constructions in mongolian languages


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