Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 4, 2010

Study of folklore

Vera S. Kuznetsova
The biblical legend about Josef the Fine in folk oral tradition: plot folklorization
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Dolgor N. Apkhanova
Literary works by the uligershin Tushemilov P.M. in the context of the Ungin epic tradition
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Study of literature

Eugenia K. Makarenko
Correlation of artistic and historiographic forms of comprehending a historical plot of "the Time of Trouble" in the literature at the close of the 18th century (on the basis of Sumarokov`s tragedy "Dmitry the Impostor")
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Galina I. Modina
The Orient in Flaubert’s aesthetics
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Natalia E. Nikonova
A. Dietrich, K.N. Batyushkov, V.A. Zhukovsky: new facts of Russian Tassiana
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Vladimir K. Vasiliev
Chichikov and Gogol. Paper 2. The clue to "the great crisis"
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Ludmila N. Sinyakova
Gogol’s literary anthropology and Pisemsky’s "ordinary man": an epical image of the world ("Dead souls" and "Turbulent sea").
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Natalya Yu. Bartosh
Mythopoetics of "Tannhäuser" by Richard Wagner in the interpretation of Charles Baudelaire
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Anna N. Panamareva
The Sound World Image in the Comedy by A.P. Chekhov «Cherry orchard»
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Ivan N. Chernikov
The Bible in the poetical system of symbolistic historical texts by D.S.Merezhkovsky
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Yelena Yu. Kulikova
African "pictures from an old book" by Nikolai Gumilev
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Yelena A. Khudenko
Life-creating strategies in the autobiographic prose of the 1940ies (M. Zoshchenko, M. Prishvin)
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Andrey M. Pavlov
The creative and receptive potential of the monodrama in the aspect of historical poetics (based on the play by N. Evreinov "What has no name (A poor girl dreamed)."
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Svetlana N. Dubrovina
Monodrama at the Theatre of Samuel Beckett and At the Theatre of the Absurd
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Dmitry V. Maryin
Тhе еpistolary art of V.M. Shukshin
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Valentina Ya. Ivanova
The architectonics of the spatial picture of the world in the story "The time limit" by V.G. Rasputin; the sound score of the text
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Elena V. Kosintseva
Image of a beloved in Khanty poetry
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Aleksandr I. Fedorov
Language and stile of E.A. Baratynsky’s poetry
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Ludmila A. Araeva, Irina V. Evseeva
Wordbuilding and syntax: types of propositional structures
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Aleksandra N. Grankina
The influence of the inner form of a word on its stylistic and emotional-expressive colouring
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Ludmila I. Gorbunova
The role of a locative component in the semantic structure of an adjectival prefix with a spatial meaning
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Elena V. Sheiko
Explanatory Constructions as a means of representing the semantic structure of the prop verbs
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Aleksandra E. Prokopyeva
Temporal constructions with adverbial participles in the Yukaghir language
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Badrizhat M. Alieva
Manifestation and analysis of gender markedness in the systems of allocutions in the English and the Lack languages
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Elena N. Tatarintseva
Variability of a linguistic personality in the light of some functional antinomies
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Pavel A. Katyshev, Stanistav V. Olenev
The influence of language syntactics on a linguistic personality as a problem of rhetorical criticism
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Marina A. Lappo
Self-identification semantics in the cognitive-discursive approach
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Nickolay N. Sabyanin
Communicative space of a newspaper as a field of discourse interactions
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Valery A. Mishlanov, Vladimir A. Salimovsky
On the theoretical foundations of judicial linguistics
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Irina V. Vysotskaya
Sigal, K.J. "A Word Combination as a Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Unit"(ed. by V.A. Vinogradov]; RAS, Inst. of Linguistics. – M.: Kluch-S, 2010. -92 p.
In detail

Scientific life

Bolotnova N.S., Babenko I.I.
The world reflected in the word: Russian speech culture and text ((in the tracks of an international scientific conference)
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