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Name: Manifestation and analysis of gender markedness in the systems of allocutions in the English and the Lack languages

Authors: Badrizhat M. Alieva

G. Tsadasa Institute of Language, Literature and Art Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2010Pages 177-183
UDK: 808.2DOI:

Abstract: The present paper investigates the gender-conditioned structural aspects in the English and the Lak languages. First of all an attempt is made to analyze the existing inventory in the system of allocutions in British English and American English and then to reveal definite similarities and differences in using the allocution forms in the two English-speaking countries. Then study is made of the Lak allocution system, which is found to have very weakly developed lexical forms of allocution because the Lak language serves far from all socially significant spheres of social life and is practically reduced to describing only household communication. As for the English allocution system, it is highly developed, hence the gender relationships in it are well displayed in choosing lexical addressing forms, while in Lak it is displayed only by morphological means – by classifiers.

Keywords: gender-conditioned, structural aspects, lak and english languages


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