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Name: Sigal, K.J. "A Word Combination as a Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Unit"(ed. by V.A. Vinogradov]; RAS, Inst. of Linguistics. – M.: Kluch-S, 2010. -92 p.

Authors: Irina V. Vysotskaya

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 4, 2010Pages 223-230
UDK: 808.2-3DOI:

Abstract: The book deals with disputable problems of the word combination theory in the domestic linguistics, presents a psycholinguistic experimental investigation of metalinguistic conceptions of native Russian speakers about a word combination. The reviewer brings up the question of the relationship between the units of language and the science of language as well as between linguistic and metalinguistic thinking.

Keywords: word combination, traditional and valence syntatx, linguistic thinking, metalinguistic conceptions of language speakers, prototypical model, substantival-adjectival word combination


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