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Name: On the theoretical foundations of judicial linguistics

Authors: Valery A. Mishlanov, Vladimir A. Salimovsky

Perm State University, Perm, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2010Pages 214-222
UDK: 801.73DOI:

Abstract: The paper discusses the problems of the theory of judicial linguistic expertise. The authors substantiate the need for conceptual and methodological orientation of judicial linguistics toward the linguistic theories which focus on the study of the regularities in the functioning of the language under different communicative conditions. It is shown that for applications to judicial linguistics it is expedient to rely on the principles and methods of linguistic areas, such as functional grammar, functional stylistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics and theory of speech communication.

Keywords: judicial linguistic expertise, functional grammar, functional stylistics, logical analysis of natural language, pragmatics, theory of speech communication


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