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Name: The world reflected in the word: Russian speech culture and text ((in the tracks of an international scientific conference)

Authors: Bolotnova N.S., Babenko I.I.

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Scientific life

Issue 4, 2010Pages 231-235

Abstract: The paper deals with the main range of problems of papers contributed to the 6-th International Scientific Conference «Russian Speech Culture and Text», which was devoted to the development of theoretical and applied aspects of speech communication, realized on the basis of textual activity. The authors present a review of investigations devoted to the up-to-date state of the Russian speech culture, new trends in text study, peculiarities of the Russian world picture and its reflection in textual activity, to the characteristic of different discursive practices in communicative, cognitive and stylistic aspects, to methods of teaching the Russian speech culture and textual activity to the schoolchildren and students.

Keywords: russian speech culture, text, discursive practices, up-to-date language situation, world picture, sphere of concepts, communication, methods of teaching


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