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Name: Monodrama at the Theatre of Samuel Beckett and At the Theatre of the Absurd

Authors: Svetlana N. Dubrovina

Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 4, 2010Pages 102-108
UDK: 83.3(0)DOI:

Abstract: The paper deals with the genre of monodrama at the Theatre of the Absurd. The author reveals the main reasons for the interest in this marginal genre during the 1950ies and 1960ies. On the basis of the plays by S. Beckett, J. Vauthier, R. Pinget study is made of distinguishing features of the genre of the monodrama poetics during the crisis period in the history of the West-European Theatre.

Keywords: monodrama, theatre of samuel beckett, theatre of the absurd


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