Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 1, 2016

Study of literature

Farafonova Oksana Anatolyevna
Travel as a plot Russian memoirs of the XVIII century
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Krupnitskaya Darya Yevgenyevna
The German poems by V. A. Zhukovsky: on the problem of comprehending the bilingualism of the Russian classical literature
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Burmistrova Svetlana Vladimirovna
Reception of the apostolic text in «Memoirs» by P. E. Annenkova
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Kozlov Aleksey Evgenyevich
On Mikhail Avdeev’s literary reputation
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Manskov Aleksey Anatolyevich
The image of «The land of Nety» in the art word of S. D. Krzhizhanovsky
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Vilesova Marina Leonidovna, Khatyamova Marina Albertovna
Anthropological function of space in the B. K. Zaytsev’s short prose of the 1920s
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Zhilyakova Nataliya Veniaminovna
Origin, development and specificity of the genre of the novel in Tomsk periodicals (late 19th – early 20th century)
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Trubitsina Nataliya Alekseevna
Culturological views of Immanuel Kant in the short novel by M. M. Prishvin «Ginseng»
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Stepanova Vasilina Andreevna
The transformation of the motives of death in the late prose by V. Rasputin
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Lebedeva Olga Vladimirovna
Poetics of psychologism in the English short story of the end of the nineteenth century
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Skorokhodko Yulia Stanislavovna
Poetics of the neo-Victorian Cinema: on the Statement of the Problem
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Smirnova Valeria Andreevna
Scandinavian influence on Th. Mann’s works
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Karpukhina Viktoria Nikolayevna
Chronotopical structure of the texts contemporary children’s literature
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Ageeva Natalya Anatolyevna
Specificity of monodrama discourse
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Iakoba Irina Aleksandrovna, Timofeev Semen Sergeevich
Lingvocognitive mechanisms of intelligent discourse tuning: sense and rhythm modelling
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Krapivkina Olga Aleksandrovna
Two edges of discourse – two guises of the subject
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Koptseva Valentina Aleksandrovna
Twitting genre in Gennady Zyuganov’s political discourse
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Zhuk Maksim Ivanovich
The concept «work» in the American philosophical discourse of the 19th century (based on the books by Henry Thoreau and Ralf Emerson)
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Karkavina Oksana Vladimirovna
The linguistic peculiarities of «Hip-hop literature» (illustrated by Wahida Clark’s novels)
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Kukhtenkova Anastasia Аnatolyevna
Semantic repetition as the actualizer of the title in the novel by G. I. Gazdanov «The spectre of Alexander Wolf»
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Kochnova Ksenia Aleksandrovna
The lexico-semantic field «spring» in the language picture of A. P. Chekhov’s world
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Kozlovskaya Natalia Vitalyevna
Types of authorial terms in Russian philosophy (based on the literary works by N. F. Fedorov and N. A. Berdyaev)
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Vasilenko Anastasia Gennad’evna
Graphically marked words: evolution of the artistic device (based on the works by Yu. V. Trifonov)
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Sokolova Svetlana Konstantinovna, Shumilova Anastasia Anatolyevna
Рropositional-frame dictionary of sounding and fixed folk speech (integrative approach)
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Dambuyev Igor Aleksandrovich
The Russian toponymy of Eastern Siberia in «Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Rußischen Reichs» by P. S. Pallas
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Darmaeva Aryuna Dugarovna
Linguoculturological aspect of translating phraseological units from the Buryat language into Russian (based on the prose by Ch. Tsydendambaev)
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Vasilyeva Elena Viktorovna
Formal restrictions prohibiting the formation of adjective-based names of persons
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Yatsko Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich
Cognitive foundations for classification of English possessive sentences
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Sazhina Svetlana Aleksandrovna
The consonantism of the language of the Kirov Permians
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Lukjanova Nina Aleksandrovna, Felde Olga Viktorovna
Review of Z. M. Bogoslovskaya’s Works on Dialect Variantology
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Zhanalina Lazzat Kabyldashevna
Lingvopersonologia: a new aspect of linguistics. Review of the collective monograph: Language personality: modelling, typology, portraying (Siberian linguo-personology). P. 1 / Ed. by N. D. Golev, N. N. Shpilnaya. M.: Lenand, 2014. 640 p.
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Abramova Ksenia Vadimovna
The book by D. I. Cheresniaya: the last year of Osip Mandelshtam’s creative work as s research problem
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Scientific life

Tyuntesheva Elena Valeryevna, Selyutina Iraida Yakovlevna, Ozonova Ayyana Alekseevna
To the Anniversary of Natalia Nikolaevna Shirobokova
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