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Name: Chronotopical structure of the texts contemporary children’s literature

Authors: Karpukhina Viktoria Nikolayevna

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2016Pages 108-115
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/13

Abstract: «Children’s Book» by Boris Akunin. The subject under consideration is the chronotopical construction of Boris Akunin’s novel which unfolds in the process of building a system of intertextual links. The basic aim of the paper is to define the intertextual chronotopical markers revealing Mikhail Bulgakov’s pretexts of the Boris Akunin’s novel. The formation of the axiological text components of contemporary children’s literature is investigated on the basis of the already existing pre-intertext of Russian and Western anti-utopias and science fiction. Study is made of the main anti-utopian roles and chronotopical characteristics of the text, both traditional one where the State is opposed by a grown-up, playing the role of a Child trespassing barriers and prohibitions, and the contemporary one, where the main character who passes the «antiutopian quest» is a child with the dynamic axiological scale. The «other time-space» patterns used in Boris Akunin’s text with the main functioning character exists are frequently construed on the pattern of chronotopical models in fantastic plays by Mikhail Bulgakov and in the anti-utopia «We» by Evgeny Zamyatin.

Keywords: contemporary children’s literature, axiological scale, chronotope, boris akunin, mikhail bulgakov


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