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Name: Lingvocognitive mechanisms of intelligent discourse tuning: sense and rhythm modelling

Authors: Iakoba Irina Aleksandrovna, Timofeev Semen Sergeevich

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2016Pages 126-136
UDK: 81’1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/15

Abstract: The paper considers the aspect of attractiveness of the intelligent tuning technology of the discourse of The Communist Manifesto by K. Marx and F. Engels. Revealed as a result of defining and deconstructing the sense and rhythm model of the manifestow were the mechanisms of managing the discourse that promoted the attraction. It is shown that not only the verbal (linguistic) form of the text, but also the cognitive and extralinguistic mechanisms affect the addressee's perception of the discourse. Identified and presented are the components of the intelligent discourse tuning that exert sensor impact on the nervous system and determine the further behavior of the addressee: patternization of discourse; penetrative ability of discourse patterns; semantic rhythmicity; intentionality and destinationality; sense pressure; sensophonia. Deconstruction of K. Marx’s discourse technology makes it possible to specify and expand a set of effective strategies for written discourse and to draw some theoretical conclusions about ways of achieving attractiveness in communication.

Keywords: sense and rhythm modelling, discourse deconstruction, attractiveness, intelligent tuning, linguocognitive mechanism, manifesto, karl marx


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