Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Semantic repetition as the actualizer of the title in the novel by G. I. Gazdanov «The spectre of Alexander Wolf»

Authors: Kukhtenkova Anastasia Аnatolyevna

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2016Pages 170-177
UDK: 811.161.1+821.161(09DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/20

Abstract: The paper approves the field approach to the description of semantic repetitions, actualizing the title word in the novel by G. I. Gazdanov «The spectre of Alexander Wolf». Having defined the notion «semantic repetitions», correlated with the usage of synonyms, antonyms, associative rows, individual sememes of a polysemantic lexeme, we describe the formation of a thematic grid of the novel. The textual structure of semantic repetitions in its center has a frequentative repetition of the title word «spectre», often displaying its semantic structure comprehensively. In the space near the center there are synonyms, antonyms with accompanying associates. The peripheral layer has many associative textual paradigms, among them the associative space united around the sign of the apocalyptic horse is particularly notable. An analysis of the semantic repetitions associated with the central part, the one near the center and the peripheral part of the thematic grid of the novel by G. I. Gazdanov «The spectre of Alexander Wolf», has revealed the writer`s characteristic feature – the actualization of the «stateliest» semantics. This semantics reflects the tense duration of the narrator`s states.

Keywords: g. i. gazdanov, semantic repetition, thematic grid, field approach, textual paradigms, the thematic text dominant


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