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Name: Poetics of psychologism in the English short story of the end of the nineteenth century

Authors: Lebedeva Olga Vladimirovna

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2016Pages 85-90
UDK: 821.111.09-32DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/10

Abstract: The paper investigates the poetics of art psychoanalysis in the English short story of the end of the nineteenth century. Analysis is made of those ways and forms of artistic realization of the inner world of man, which have determined the evolution of the genre along the way of increasing artistic conventionality. These are: a dramatic monologue of the main character, suffering from mental derangement; the balancing on the verge of the reality of the fantastic and possibility of the incredible; the elimination of the image of the writer-storyteller via replacing him by one of the characters; the technique of the «viewpoint», telling on the composition formed by connecting several chronotops. Illustrating the devices of poetics by references to the short stories by H. Wales, R. Kipling, R. L. Stivenson, H. James, the author of the paper accentuates the particular role of the American writer E. Poe, the pioneer in the sphere of the psychological short story, who had greatly influenced the formation of the genre in England.

Keywords: short story, poetics, psychological analysis, artistic conventionality


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