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Name: Review of Z. M. Bogoslovskaya’s Works on Dialect Variantology

Authors: Lukjanova Nina Aleksandrovna, Felde Olga Viktorovna

In the section Review

Issue 1, 2016Pages 250-253
UDK: 811.314.1:808.2–087+DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/30

Abstract: The works of Zoya Matinovna Bogoslovskaya, doctor of philology and professor of Tomsk Polytechnic University, which were published in the early 21st century and dedicated to the prob-lem of word variation in terms of expression, combine the results of her long-term studies of Russian dialect lexis of Sredneobsk region (Tomsk Oblast, Tomsk region) in the system-semantic (semasiological), functional, dynamic and lexicographical aspects. On the basis of her predecessors’ works, written since 1940–1950s, analyzing the dialect materials selected during her 35 year long lexicographical studies Z. M. Bogoslovskaya created a complex, multi-aspect concept of a formal word variation not leading to a breach in its semantic identity in the process of its synchronous functioning. Using this concept she developed a model for a new type of vocabulary – a systematic dialect Vocabulary of Variative Siberian Dialect Lexis (the dialect of Vershinino village, Tomsk Oblast, Tomsk Region), and published the first volume of this Vocabulary. Both the theory and the materials of this vocabulary make a significant contribution not only to dialect lexicology but also to Russian and general lexicology and lexicography. Z. M. Bogoslovskaya’s works open a new page in the studies of systematic relations in lexis and in lexicographical practice (word variation as a type of systematic relations). This page is called variantology – a new and relatively independent branch of lexicology defined by the author, theoretically valid and confirmed by rich and unique factual material.

Keywords: word variation in terms of expression, word variants, variantology, vocabulary of variative lexis, lexicology, dialect lexicology


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