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Name: Scandinavian influence on Th. Mann’s works

Authors: Smirnova Valeria Andreevna

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2016Pages 99-107
UDK: 821.112.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/12

Abstract: The paper discusses the influence of the Scandinavian literary tradition on the works of Thomas Mann. Besides H. Ibsen and K. Hamsun, traditionally mentioned in this context, the paper focuses on several less frequently mentioned authors, such as the representatives of the Norwegian literature J. Lie, and A. Kielland, and the Dane J. P. Jacobsen. The paper provides a brief survey of the works of Russian and Western authors discussing the significance of Scandinavian literature for T. Mann. Using the novel «The Buddenbrooks» and the short novel «Tonio Kröger» as examples, the author of the paper shows how the Nordic tradition permeates Mann’ works both on the level of the subject matter, conflict structure, personage characteristics, and on the level of the language in numerous citations and allusions.

Keywords: thomas mann, reception, skandinavian literature, «buddenbrooks», «tonio kröger», ibsen, kiland


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