Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Two edges of discourse – two guises of the subject

Authors: Krapivkina Olga Aleksandrovna

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2016Pages 137-143
UDK: 81’1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/54/16

Abstract: The paper deals with two central genres of judicial discourse – a complaint initiating the court procedures, and the judicial decision summing up the proceedings. The author of the paper argues that the legal discourse is a complex multidimensional formation with overlapping institutional and personalized forms of communication. The research is based on the concept of a discursive expert community, the participation/nonparticipation in which leaves its stamp on the character of discursive practices. The author calls in question the well-established view on legal discourse as a purely institutional formation. The paper affirms that the participation/nonparticipation in a legal discursive community influences the interpretation of the same legal phenomena due to different types of thinking and of world pictures (ordinary vs. professional).

Keywords: subject, discourse, discourse expert community, genre


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