Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
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Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2012

Scientific life

Pokrovskiy N.N.
On the occasion of Elena Konstantinovna Romodanovskaya’s anniversary
In detail

Study of literature

Nikanorova E.K., Romodanovskaya E.K.
Literary sources of counterfeited documents
In detail

Zhurova L.I.
Motivational structure of the «Sobornik» by Metropolitan Daniil
In detail

Panich T.V.
The genre of testament in the second half of the 17th century (testaments of Patriarchs Joachim and Adrian and of the Voronezh Bishop Mitrophan)
In detail

Chalkova T.F.
The Tale about a Tsarina and a Lioness: second versions and redactions
In detail

Klimova M.N.
From the Hagiographical Comments to Protopope Avvakum’s Life («The miracle at the Andronyev Monastery» and the Prophet Avvakum‘s life)
In detail

Titova L.V.
Texts of hagiographical character in Old Believers’ polemical works of the 17th c.
In detail

Zhuravel O.D.
«Wit is the elegance of mind’s nature»: on the Baroque of Vyg Old Believers
In detail

Kurysheva L.A.
«The Tale of Alexandr and Lodvik» in a sentimental epoch: an Old Russian tale in a new cultural context
In detail


Romodanovskaya V.A.
On the reasons for a taboo in the Modern Russian language: meditations and notes
In detail

Pokatilova N.V.
From the singer to the poet: on the typology of the poetic word in oral and written tradition
In detail

Kovaleva T.M.
Communicative strategies in N.V. Gogol’s works
In detail

Kazakov A.A.
«Poor Folk» by F.M. Dostoyevsky: the first realization of the world’s dialogical model
In detail

Study of literature

Sedelnikova O.V.
In addition to the commentary on F. Dostoyevsky’s letters to A. Maikov (the letter on Dostoyevsky’s «poem» and the events of the Russian history in Maikov’s creative comprehention)
In detail

Pichugina O.V.
The liturgical context of «Kana Galileiskaya» by F.M. Dostoyevsky
In detail

Melnikova S.V.
The forms of author’s self-determination and self-appraisal in the church author-biography (on the basis of the authorbiography written by the Irkutsk archbishop Veniamin)
In detail

Kozlov A.E.
Correlation of mortal and provincial codes in the Russian literature of the 19th century
In detail

Bologova M.A.
The phenomenon of a poet. I. Brodsky’s motifs in modern Russian prose
In detail

Maryin D.V.
«The Family Idea» in the epistolary works by V.M. Shukshin
In detail

Klimova T.U.
The concept «brother» in the paradigm of identities of the hero of the novel «Underground, or the Hero of our time» (1998) by V. Makanin
In detail

Gorodetsky S.I.
On artistic conventionality in the early cubism and in the modern German dramatic art
In detail


Badmaeva L.B.
On the Bargu-Buryat language community
In detail

Bykonya V.V., Karmanova U.A.

In detail

Bulygina E.U., Tripolskaya T.A.
Linguistic-cultural description of names for urban areas (based on different kinds of dictionaries)
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Kogan E.S.
On the problem of regional peculiarities of phraseology
In detail

Kutafyeva N.V.
Means of expressing the category of quantity (on the basis of the Japanese language)
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Fomin A.G., Yakimova N.S.
The tactics and markers of verbal aggression in the communicative behavior of Russians and Americans
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Ermolaeva E.N., Sokolova N.S.
Inherently Metaphorical Correlation between Existential Categories Conflict and Fire in English-Language Culture
In detail

Kim I.E.
Semantic spheres and the linguistic segmentation of the world
In detail


Sobennikov A.S.
A.P. Chekhov; Encyclopedia / Compiler and Learned Editor V.B. Kataev. M.: «Prosveshchenie», 2011. 696 p.
In detail

Sidorin Y.U.
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviou Jesus Christ. Translated by V.A. Zhukovsky / Ed. Bd.: F.Z. Kanynov (Ed-in-Ch), I.A. Aizikov (prep. text & sup), priest D.Dolgushin (prep. text, sup. & comment, SPb.: «Dmitry Bulanin», 2008. 566 p.
In detail

Kobeleva I.A.
Innovation in the Siberian dialectal phraseography
In detail

Scientific life

Savelyeva V.V.
On the scientific dialogue between the Russian and the Kazakhstan philologies
In detail

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