Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
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Institute of Philology of
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Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2011

Study of literature

Barysheva E.L.
The canon and variability of the Russian orthodox sermon: canonical homiletic texts of the 19th century.
In detail

Volkova T.F.
Medieval topics about envy, slander and treachery in the comprehension of the Pechora riverside writer of the 19th century I.S. Myandin
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Silantev I.V.
Goethe's reflections on motifs: narratological commentary
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Nikonova N.E.
The Werther plot in V.A. Zhukovsky's life and poetry
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Korenevskaya O.V.
On the peculiarities of a Russian's psychological portrait in German translations of The Brothers Karamazov by F.M. Dostoyevsky
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Petrova S.A.
Intermedial analysis of L.N. Tolstoy's story The Kreutzer Sonata
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Tashlykon S.A.
Kuprin: space and character in the prose of the 1900s
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Markina P.V.
The discourse of fear M.M. Zoshchenko's life and creative work
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Chatyamova M.A.
Topic of fathers and children in the prose of the nezamechennoye pokoleniye (unnoticed generation)
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Nepomnyaschich N.A.
On the dramatic fragment The Old Women by L.M. Leonov
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Klimakova E.V.
The role principle and the problem of a lyric hero in V. S. Vysotsky's poetry
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Maryin D.V.
V.M. Shukshin's autobiographies as an object of philological studies
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Rybaltchenko T.L.
The meaning of silence in the lyric poetry of I. Brodsky
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Vorotyntseva K.A.
On the problem of everyday life in modern narrative literature (based on Yu. Mamleev's novel The Wandering Time)
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Pesotskaya S.A.
Literary text as a dialogue between the writer and the world culture: traditions of Russian and French classical literatures in the works of the contemporary Chinese writer Vang Meng
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Kovalenko M.D.
On the peculiarities of interpreting the future tense system of ancient Greek in Professor A.A.Nekrasov's notes on the Russian translation of the New Testament
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Efanova L.G.
The norm of form identity as a fragment of the functional-semantic field of the norm
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Devyakovitch A.A.
The thematic groups of the fishing vocabulary in the Selkup language dialects
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Tazieva E.M.
Zoomorphic metaphorical adjectives in modern Russian
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Nagipova G.B., Alishina Kh. Ch.
The semantic characteristic of the surnames of Siberian (Karagai) Tatars
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On ways of representing word-formation families of words of related languages in an explanatory-word-formation dictionary of the Mongolian languages (on illustrations from the Mongolian, Buryat and Kalmyk languages)
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Lobanova S.V.
Lexicographic reflection of units like verbal synlexes and a project of a defining dictionary of verbal synlexis
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Tagarova T.B.
On the category of emotionality of Buryat phraseological units
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Smirnov I.N.
The feature of temporal localizability / nonlocalizability of action in aspectual semantics of the Russian verb
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Tashdemir I., Skvoretskaya V.E.
On the text-organizing potential of the object-subject dative in A.S. Pushkin's works
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Bulygina E.Yu., Tripolskaya T.A.
The story Catcher in the rye by J.D. Salinger and its translations into Russian and Italian: an expressive word in the structure of a literary text
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Karpukhina V.N.
The Interpretation Potential of Translated Fiction Texts: the linguistic-axiological aspect
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Petrova N.G.
K. Balmont and and V. Bryusov: the universal and the individual in the organization of cognitive activity of the readers in poetic texts without titles
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Elsakova A.L.
Two layer principle of the concept 'cost' in historical perspective (conceptual-specific)
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Kanturova M.A.
The formation of secondary speech genre as a derivational process (illustrated by the example of the speech genre of a culinary recipe)
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Alekseeva A.A.
On the notions of the inhabitants of Russia of their own country (according to the results of an associative experiment)
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Panin L.G.
T.A. Isachenko. Translated Foreign Literature in Moscow. Metropolitan and Patriarchic Scriptorium of the 15th-17th centuries. M. : Pashkov House, 2009. 336 p
In detail

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