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Name: T.A. Isachenko. Translated Foreign Literature in Moscow. Metropolitan and Patriarchic Scriptorium of the 15th-17th centuries. M. : Pashkov House, 2009. 336 p

Authors: Panin L.G.

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2011Pages 235-238
UDK: 811.161DOI:

Abstract: The present study reveal such general problems as role of translation in national literature, vagueness of boundary between translated and original literature, impossibility to represent the history of Russian translation as a linear onward progress movement. The main focuses is on heritage of Moscow schools of translation, very important for Russian book culture but little-studied to date. The author argues all the activity was developing in three directions: orientation on Greek sources (the outstanding figure was Euphymius Tchudovvski), orientation on West-European sources, and standing apart from both of them (Old Believers' position).

Keywords: old russian literature, history of translation, bible translation, the moscow monastery of the miracle, euphymius tchudovvski


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