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Name: Lexicographic reflection of units like verbal synlexes and a project of a defining dictionary of verbal synlexis

Authors: Lobanova S.V.

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2011Pages 158-162
UDK: 81`373DOI:

Abstract: In the centre of our attraction is the problem of presentation of so-called verbal synlexis in polytypic dictionaries. Dictionaries fix the units like verbal synlexes as phra-seological units, illustrative material to lexicographic entries, and speech standards. But, in our opinion, dictionaries of different types don’t reflect the general feature of combi-nations like verbal synlexes – their functionating as integral units of nomination. A particularized explanatory dictionary should not only outline limits of verbal synlexis, but present particular qualities of their semantics (reduction of structure of the frame), obligatory or optional actants.

Keywords: verbal synlex, phrase-books, explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of compatibil-ity of words, dictionaries of stable collocations, frame


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