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Name: The feature of temporal localizability / nonlocalizability of action in aspectual semantics of the Russian verb

Authors: Smirnov I.N.

Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2011Pages 172-180
UDK: 811DOI:

Abstract: This article joins in the stream of the Functional Grammar (the grammar of function-semantic fields and the grammar of categorial situations) that is worked out by the scientists of the Saint-Petersburg aspectological school and is represented by the works of A.V. Bondarko and his disciples. The article examines the contraposition of the temporal localizing/non-localizing of action existing in Russian language that is rather essential for the definition of semantic potential of verbal forms of perfective and imperfective aspects.

Keywords: functional grammar, functional-semantic field, categorial situation, aspectuality, aspectology, aspect, localizativeness / nonlocalizativeness of action in time


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