Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 3, 2021

Study of folklore

A. A. Grinevich
An attempt to use ontologies in folklore studies
In detail

E. L. Tiron
Songs of the Nymylan woman V’alyat (based on the materials of the Complex Expedition to Kamchatka in 1991)
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L. V. Borisova, G. G. Ilyina, E. V. Chueva
Preliminary analysis of the Chuvash demononym
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Study of literature

S. K. Sevastyanova
Articles from Fioretti di San Francesco in Russian collection Velikoe Zertsalo (Speculum Maius) as an exemplum
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Yu. V. Shatin
The artistic paradox of the Russian ode
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T. F. Semyan, E. V. Kanishcheva, E. V. Fedorova
A poetic beginning in the Russian prose of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries
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E. A. Andrushchenko
“…This plan was conceived by me…”: On the background of D. Merezhkovskiy’s forgotten letter to the editors of the “Mir Iskusstva”
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E. Yu. Kulikova
Vitaly Ryabinin’s “Japanese watercolors”: genre and stanza experiments
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N. P. Malyutina
Method of visualization (perception) in the plays of Alexander Stroganov
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A. L. Kalashnikova, N. V. Nalegach, K.V. Sinegubova
The image of alma mater in the memoir novel by E. Grishkovets “Theater of despair. Desperate theater”
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M. V. Pimenova, E. A. Moshina
Mythologeme Mat’-Syra-Zemlya (Damp Mother Earth) in the Russian language picture of the world
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I. V. Yakushevich
Brownie kuzyutka: the internal form and symbolic meaning of a word in the light of sociological and ethnographic data
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T. E. Andreeva, V. G. Belolyubskaya, K. N. Struchkov
Vocabulary reflecting the titles of Evenk and Even dances
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I. V. Kryukova 1 , O. V. Vrublevskaya 1 , T. V. Khvesko
Connotative proper names of the post-Soviet period: features of understanding and reproducibility
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N. D. Golev, I. P. Falomkina
On the role of the anthropocentric factor in the realization of the derivational potential of names of ungulates as motivating lexical units
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S. V. Kovylin
“Materials for acquaintance with the Ostyak dialect of the Narym krai” for 1887 of st. Makarius (Nevsky): inflectional verb morphology
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A. V. Bayyr-ool
Constructions with the particle iyne expressing fear and caution in the Tuvan language
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L. A. Shamina
Syntactic means of expressing a possibility in the Tuvan language
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А. А. Dobrinina
Intonation of the Altai language (simple one-component imperative utterances)
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T. I. Steksova, T. V. Shmeleva
Russian explanatory sentence as a semantic type
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I. E. Kim
Punctuation mark: area of use, scope of action and hierarchy of contexts
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N. B. Lebedeva, T. G. Rabenko, I. A. Krym
Axiological dominants of the Soviet mentality in an autobiographical text
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F. Varlaro
Concept of tree in Varlam Shalamov’s “Kolyma tales” and their translations into Italian
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E. N. Proskurina, I. V. Silantev

In detail

Scientific life

I. V. Vysotskaya
Interuniversity scientific seminar “Transient phenomena in language and speech,” in memoriam of Professor Vera Vassilyevna Babaytseva (Kolomna, February 10, 2021)
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