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Name: Axiological dominants of the Soviet mentality in an autobiographical text

Authors: N. B. Lebedeva, T. G. Rabenko, I. A. Krym

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation; The Legislative Assembly of Kemerovo Oblast – Kuzbass, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2021Pages 301-316
UDK: 811.161.1'42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/76/22

Abstract: This paper considers the texts of natural written speech as a source of describing the author’s personality axiological dominants determined by the social norms and reflecting them. The authors substantiate the statement about the significant manifestation of the personal principle in certain genres of natural written speech, with texts not subjected to editing and censorship, which is one of the most specific features of this type of speech activity. The research materials are the draft versions of autobiographical texts that embody the personal element quite explicitly despite the cliché nature of the speech genre of autobiography due to its institutional nature. The axiological analysis of autobiographies is based on the concept of “autographeme,” considered as a life event transformed by a person into a text event. The axiological study of autographemes has revealed through the method of keywords the author’s axiological orientations, reflecting, ultimately, the value dominants of the Soviet mentality: “the Soviet person is a screw, a part of the socialist system,” “work as a socially useful creative activity,” “accessibility of education,” “social elevators,” etc. The dominants mentioned are centered by the superdominant “social justice of socialism,” integrating all the axiological meanings of the autobiographical text. In some autographemes (“parents and their social status”, “work path”), the transformation of the author’s social orientations (and to a certain extent the society) can be traced through the correlation of what was written with the socio-cultural stage of Russian society when the autobiography was written.

Keywords: natural written speech, axiological dominant, axiological analysis, self-biography, autographeme


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